Monday, April 30, 2007


I just uploaded my latest video called Race? This one was a little different for me. Most of the information came from a documentary I saw a couple of years ago. I was having an argument with someone and they just could not get past thinking about people in terms of their so called race. Until people can understand that the concept of race is just a myth, it will be continually more difficult to make progress going forward.
When I first came up with the concept all I really had was the song, the website, and the visual of kids morphing in my head. Trying to pick up just the salient points from the website was a pretty large task, but I am happy with the result.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Attacking my culture?

I received an email the other day from a professor at Western Illinois University. It seems that her class was studying negative media images and came across my Minstrel Show video. She said her students very much wanted to know if I were white or black. After I responded that I was in fact black, she said her students were surprised to hear this because they would not expect a black person to be putting down their own culture.

Considering that the students are future educators, it speaks volumes as to the current state of so called race relations. It also makes me want to work harder to let people understand that what they see in music videos and on TV does not represent the values of most black folks, but its simply the most commercially viable narrative delivered for corporate efficiency.

Wait until they see Punk Ass Negros.......