Monday, November 10, 2008


To be honest, the historical context did not hit me until after the win. I told my wife that he would win after Iowa, for no other reason than I thought the he was the best democrat in the field. I went back and read his books and saw what others we seeing in him. Like most black people, I wanted him to win, but up until the last minute felt that something fishy would happen and change the outcome. While other people want to claim he is the next Lincoln, I just see it more simply. Over the last several elections, the winner has been the person that is the most comfortable in his own skin. I think George Bush has been one of the worst presidents ever, but you cant deny that he was self confident in a way that Kerry and Gore simply were not. For all of Obama's organization and get out the vote efforts, I still think he looses the election if he doesn't have this inner strength. This is something Hillary and her team, never quite understood.

It wasn't until I saw Jesse Jackson crying until, that the living history caught up to me. For him to see his friends beaten and murdered for the right to be treated a citizens. To see the federal government take active steps to try to destroy the civil rights movement. To you have you own life threatened on so many occasions for simply attempting to assert the rights that others take for granted. When his tears flowed, mine did to. It seems much of the country was having that moment as well.

Monday, January 28, 2008


I dropped a couple of new videos on you tube last week. The first is called message to the black man, the other is called message to the white man. Originally I was just going to drop a single video to black folks. I actually had a draft ready 6 months ago, but it never felt right. I was using different music and it was coming across as too soft. The second video actually came together in a weekend. They are far from perfect, but I like them. They compliment each other well and I think they make arguments that are hard to refute.

My biggest issue is trying to say something fresh and structure them in a way that is interesting to me. I never know if people will like them so my first goal is always to make something that I find compelling. The Fredrick Douglass quote was something I can across very late in the process. I just love it.